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Boss Guide - Tempest Lizard and the Storm Lizard

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Those tornadoes are after you! If you manage to douse them, you'll end up fighting the Storm Lizard. If you manage to find the giant pink tornado and choose not to go to Crossbone Isle, you'll be attacked by the Tempest Lizard. As many times as you'd like, you can fight the Tempest Lizard over and over in one gameplay!

The Boss of Suhalla Desert! Run!
Boss: Storm Lizard
Approx. HP: 2879-2960
Weakness: Earth
Resistance: Wind
Location: Suhalla Desert

Known Techniques
Impact Boost ally's Attack.
Sonic Slash Attack with a blade of focused air.
Storm Ray Attack with a magnetic storm.
Wind Stroke Damage.

EXP Gain: 1300
Coin Earnings: 6100
Item(s): Psy Crystal Restores all PP of one member.

  • Storm Lizard has a tendency to attack twice in one turn.
  • ~ * ~

    Getting to the pink tornado can be tricky, but it's easy to find after you know the trick to it! If you let it carry you away, it'll take you to the isolated Crossbone Isle. If you douse it before it does, it'll attack. Once you defeat it, it doesn't mean that it's gone for good! If you leave the desert and come back, it will return!

    Your One-Way Trip to Crossbone Isle
    Boss: Tempest Lizard
    Approx. HP: 3000
    Weakness: Earth
    Resistance: Wind
    Location: Suhalla Desert

    Known Techniques
    Impact Boost ally's Attack.
    Storm Ray Attack with a magnetic storm.
    Tempest Attack with a fearsome windstorm.
    Wind Stroke Damage.

    EXP Gain: 1360
    Coin Earnings: 6400
    Item(s): Potion Restores all HP.


  • Tempest Lizard with Bane's venom will die within turns.
  • Tempest Lizard has a tendency to attack twice in one turn.
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